Family: Coming Out of Bondage Pt 4

Ron’s pencil must have broken as these week’s nonsense is shorter than usual.

—– Ron’s posting —————

As God is beginning to more fully reveal what happened in the beginning after the first sin of the first two people on earth, it is important to understand a most basic truth that has been said so many times before. Without God’s help through the direct intervention and revelation of His spirit at work in the human mind, mankind cannot see nor understand that which is spiritual in nature. Absence or separation from God’s spirit leaves a person solely to their own reasoning and thinking – of total reliance on self or others who are also blind. The inability to see what is spiritual is “spiritual blindness” – a groping around in complete darkness to all that is spiritual.

This seems such an easy matter to grasp, but it is only plain (simple to understand) and “real” to a spiritual mind – one in which God’s spirit dwells. This means that the “natural” inclination and sole ability of the human mind will be to equate the truths, prophecies, and ways of God on a physical plane, as they “cannot see” on a spiritual one. This is understandable when speaking of those in the world who have never known God’s truths, but some seem to have more difficulty understanding this could be true for anyone who had known the truth and then has been “cut off” from access to God’s spirit. This is what happened to Adam and Eve.

Being separated from God’s spirit is the reason for the physical focus of those who can now only “see” (through physical human reasoning) the curse on Eve as a matter of physical labor pain at birth. It is the same kind of mind that perceives (at this time in the “present” revelation of God) Petra as a place of safety in Jordan, the pope as Antichrist or the man of sin, the abomination of desolation being about a defiling of a physical temple or alter, that Jesus Christ has eternally existed, etc.

How the “Natural” Mind Sees God
The natural, carnal mind of mankind cannot see God as the sole Creator of the entire physical universe, who not only created it all, but also continuously sustains it all. They cannot grasp that God created laws that not only regulate the physical creation, but that He has created laws that regulate relationships (physical and spiritual). Even with God’s spirit and having the ability to believe this to be true, one still cannot begin to fully comprehend it; it is a matter of faith. So how does the carnal human mind view God? It will view God from a physical perspective by limiting God to being more on a physical plane in likeness and behavior.

There are simple but real examples of this kind of thinking that stand out more once God first brings someone into His Church. When called out of a world of traditional Christianity, it takes time for people to grow and have the mind cleansed of these false concepts about God and Christ. Even with (and only with) God’s spirit dwelling in a person, this transformation of thinking does not happen instantly, but over time.

It takes time for a person to have their mind cleansed from a false image of Christ having long hair who is made to look weak and pious or of that same image of him on a cross. It takes time for people to get protestant concepts (limited to human reasoning and false emotion) out of the mind in the way they think a person is to talk about or talk to (pray to) God. It can take years for an individual to come to see God as a Father in truth, joy, and genuine comfort when their own experience with a physical father has been a bad one. It can take years for a person to embrace the beauty, freedom, and true peace that exists in God’s government when their experience of government (in literal government, business, church, and/or family) has been bad because of abuse, oppression, injustice, and simply the result of being mistreated by controlling, selfish human nature.

When people read of God’s “wrath, anger, or jealousy” in scripture, they tend to equate that with human emotion, human reactions, and unjust outbursts in life, which is nothing like God who does all things with the highest ways of righteous judgment, sacrificing love, infinite patience, and abundance of mercy on levels the human mind cannot begin to grasp. A typical concept of the world within traditional Christianity is one of Almighty God being harsh, overly strict, demanding, and lacking in compassion. Such is equated solely with the human concept of oppressive and overly strict human government and behavior. Jesus Christ is then portrayed as the one to turn to in life who will understand us and love us unconditionally. Yet they fail to grasp that Jesus Christ is fully “of God,” and reflects the same attributes, qualities, and loving character of God Almighty.

Paul explains very well about this entire matter of the human proclivity to make God more physical and limited like mankind: “Because that when they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God and neither were they thankful, but they became vain in their imaginations (became lifted up by their own reasoning, thoughts, and ideas of God and His ways – they lifted themselves to a level equal to and greater than God), and their foolish hearts became darkened (spiritually blind). While professing themselves to be wise, they become fools, and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God (not decaying in essence and continuance, not corruptible, immortal) into an image made like unto corruptible (decaying, perishable, weak) man, birds, four-footed creatures, and small animals. Therefore God also gave them over to uncleanness through the lusts in their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Who changed the truth (ways) of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the things created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen” (Rom. 1:21-25).

The Mind of Sin
It would be good at this point to recall some of what we have already covered. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they had polluted, damaged, and adversely infected the precious mind God had created in them. With modern technology and the use of computers today, it is a little easier to grasp what happened to their minds. If a “program” becomes infected by developing a bug or receiving a virus, it cannot function as it was first designed and built. The same is true in a similar fashion concerning the effects of sin on the human mind.

So the result of the very first sin was that their thinking (reasoning) became “distorted” and it turned them inward concerning self. They became more intensely aware of self – “self-conscious” in a very negative and hurtful manner. One dictionary definition of “self-conscious” is exactly to the point of what happened to Adam and Eve. It is to be “uncomfortably conscious of oneself as an object of the observation of others, ill at ease.”

That definition describes them perfectly. It helps explain part of why they thought they could “hide” from God. They were uncomfortable about having to face God, knowing they had disobeyed Him. They also began to “feel” something else as part of this new self-consciousness. They began to be disconcerted by feelings of guilt and impropriety. They began to experience what it was like to be ashamed. Although they had justified the taking of the forbidden fruit, they violated and damaged their mind – the pure conscience God had created to exist in the human mind. That is why the searing of the conscience is such a dangerous thing.

There is yet another aspect of what sin does to the human mind. It infects the mind in another area of moral behavior, which is sound and right thinking toward matters relating to sex. This is why Adam and Eve both began to “feel” naked and wanted to cover their sexual organs. Even when they were the only two humans on earth, they not only felt uncomfortable to be in God’s presence and sought to hide from Him, they also felt uncomfortable with God seeing them “naked.” They did not yet grasp that all things are naked before God, both physically and spiritually. God sees and knows ALL!

The uniqueness of God creating male and female in both human and animal life is in large part about a cycle of continual production (reproduction) that works to perpetuate all such living life. This matter of sexual reproduction within humans was created to be different than all other forms of life. The difference is in the mind God gave mankind. God reveals that the selfish motives of mankind come from three basic factors that influence (even to regulate and control) the thinking process of everyone. These are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 Jn. 2:16).

The Mind of Sex
There is one area of life that seemingly affects these three patterns of thought (motivation) more than any other. It is the thinking and reasoning that is swayed by hormones that God created in man and woman to make them unique and different, but to also affect how they are drawn to one another. We are drawn to food when we are hungry and to liquid when thirsty. We are drawn to warm the body when we are cold, and vice versa. But the aspect of sexual hormones at work in the human body has a completely different effect on the human mind. Sex is one of the primary areas of human life that can test and reveal much about the “state” of the mind and of one’s true reasoning and thinking.

God created the mind to respond to matters of sex in a specific manner. How each person “chooses” to respond to what God created to be beautiful and right in relationships determines a vast portion about how the “mind” will think (reason) and then act (live life). How one deals with the subject matter of sex in their mind is one of the most powerful and important influences on “thinking” that determines (establishes) the kind of interaction and social behavior one will have in all relationships toward others. There is no single greater influence that affects human reasoning and relationships throughout life. Much of that development is learned through the examples set from others in early life and then begins to take on a “personal development” through adolescence.

Since God created mankind in this manner as He did by design and purpose, with the powerful influence of hormones that can highly influence thinking and behavior, He also revealed how such things should be controlled and lived. Yet even as God has given instruction about right and wrong thinking regarding sex, He did much more. He made mankind in such a manner so that “any sin” in life would infect and adversely hurt the mind (one’s reasoning and thinking), and it would also result in distorting the thinking of the mind regarding sex. This is because the whole mind is infected and the result is then made manifest in this thinking that has such a bearing on one’s life in relationships – how one “thinks” toward others. This is far more relevant than people see and understand to this point in time. The more one sins and sears the conscience, the more it will be manifest in one’s relationship with others. Infecting the mind by sin also infects relationships in an adverse manner.

God is beginning to reveal much more about the “cause” of the kind of bondage “family” has been under and why. This has never been fully grasped by mankind or even God’s Church. It is through this ongoing process of God’s continuing revelation to His Church and the change that His people will make in their thinking and living that women are going to be freed from 6,000 years of bondage. This is bondage that has also been upon men, but more readily seen and understood by how women have been treated and looked upon by men. Men will grow to see that such a distorted outlook they have held regarding women has held them in bondage too and has robbed them of a far richer, happier, and more fulfilling life. As this continues to be addressed and understood more fully in God’s Church (which is about to include all the world), “family” will take on a far deeper meaning, purpose, and joy in life. All this has much to do with the process whereby God more fully heals the human mind.

The farther mankind has turned away from God and has delved more deeply into sin, there is a direct correlation to an increase in the distortion, perversion, and unsoundness in thinking regarding the subject of sex. Before we proceed further into this overall subject, it would be good to pause and begin considering this correlation of thinking that affects mankind so adversely. Ask God for help to begin seeing some of this as a part of your own life experience and/or that of others. This is all “key” to understanding how relationships, especially in family, are going to be freed from great bondage.

By design – by God’s design – this entire series of posts is being given in a manner so that you can begin to more fully digest what God is revealing and so that you can more readily build upon each section and be better equipped to receive what He gives next. This entire revelation that God is giving will prove to be one of the most exciting and inspiring phases of deliverance from bondage ever given to mankind.

[This series will continue next week with Part 5.]

84 thoughts on “Family: Coming Out of Bondage Pt 4

  1. That is the entire point of being a human, ergo humane being: leave the world happier, cleaner, smarter, and FREE-er.

    Weinland has done nothing but increase human misery, no matter how “happy” his brethren think they are. Mike (DDTFA) has come along to clean up the mess…


  2. Gone and forgotten…from reading your posts I think I know exactly who you are. I left as well and I considered you a wonderful person, good friend and easy to talk to. If you want to contact me I would love to hear from you, you can ask mike for my email and you will know exactly who I am from that. 😀


  3. Hillbilly Harrell® three weeks in a row- how awesome is that?

    It must be great comfort for Ron to know that PKG is getting its spiritual food even while he’s stuck in the pokey…



  4. Ronco: you remeber the “ding!” Awesome!!


    Congratulations! All these ex-PKGers are coming out of the woodwork, and that is very encouraging to the newly departed or those thinking of leaving.

    1. Most of you are Christians who left and sought the actual, Biblical Jesus Christ. The PKGers need to see Christ’s power and love in action, because they will never see it in the PKG as you well know. As Believers, your example may very well be the tool via which Truth finally rids the PKGers of their invisible disease Ron has infected them with.

    2. And those who leave the organized religion will show the PKG that Jesus is the Way, not a building or tithing, or definitely a man. who appoints himself leader with ZERO input from others OR God.

    3. And those of us who woke ALL the way up, and reject any/all gods based on the evidence we have been presented by Mankind so far, it shows the PKGers that morality, happiness, peace, wealth, inner satisfaction, are easily and completely possible with any god at all: that their COG god has zero power because he is as real as any of the Pokemon, or Zeus – merely creations of mankind.

    The more of us show up in all our forms, the more reasons the PKGers remaining see that they are one SINGLE step away from TRUTH, one single step away from Conald Swine-gland and his ongoing sickness of the mind and soul which he defecates all over his followers via his blog and his church. One single step…a step the Bible commands, a step that justice demands, and a step that truth demands….

    Say goodbye to the Wein-toilet, say hello to Paradise…


  5. It’s nice to see good friends re-connecting with each other post pkg.

    Hope many more will leave and find the courage to post here and re-connect with one another.

    Perhaps this is the golden age to come Ron’s been blabbering about all these years.

    And the best part. Ron, his family and cohorts won’t be part of it.


  6. Perfect example of Ron’s greed:

    In today’s sermon, Ron has announced the following via Harrell.: There deadline for applying for 2nd Tithe assistance is past, and NO more applications will be accepted. You will then get a letter explaining whether or not you WILL receive assistance.Read that: whether or NOT you will be receiving assistance.

    Weinland buys several BMWs and even ships one to Germany for his son as a present…AND HE HAS THE BALLS TO WITHHOLD HELP FROM HIS OWN F***-ING CHURCH? he and Laura ‘earned’ OVER 4 million dollars between 2005 and 2009!!!!! He is going to DENY people financial assistance gathered SPECIFICALLY for God’s People supposedly and DENY them 100% of what they themselves gave?This is the kind of GOD you PKGers worship?


    Your God is so weak he can’t take care of his own special people? Why are you not waking up and seeing how your inability to go to the Feast is 100% RON’S FAULT? 4 million could send EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE PKG ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME.

    Jeremy got a luxury car, and God’s Chosen people get an Internet connection from home…MAYBE YOU PKGERS DESERVE SUCH UNHOLY TREATMENT FOR BEING WEINLAND WORSHIPPERS AND SPITTING IN THE FACE OF CHRIST?



    David Pack has already back-pedalled and is now saying that the remnant that will join his church, after the COMPLETE destruction of all the other COGs, will be 7000 people only…probably. Last Tuesday was a failure. Jesus didn’t begin actively leading Pack’s church. Nothing happened.

    Like I said before to the newly departed PKGers, this is not a sign that god is got a newer better plan, it is proof as always that Pack is a liar. he is SPECIFIC things MUST happen or else he is a liar. NONE of those specific things have happened, so he has given himself all of August for them to occur. Back-pedalling and lying as always…welcome to the COGs.

    Lies and back-pedalling, and not taking responsibility for their actions…anti-Christ…


  8. $4 million is a LOT of money to run through in just 5 years!

    You PKG members: Did you get your money’s worth? It really doesn’t look like it. Conald Swineland and his wife Larda ran through this money like it was toilet paper while doing laps in their nice warm comfortable cesspool at your expense, with the able help of their rotten children who seem to have a 100% divorce rate. Did you really intend to fund your very own Oriental style potentate, replete with diamonds? You are culpable for funding this outrageous extravaganza. You should be ashamed and be slinking away in utter embarrassment to your personal freedom.

    At a time where you should be obeying Scripture and turning away from these vicious cons (particularly Lardo), you embrace them. Jesus himself said to beware of them, but here you are, totally unchristian and ungodly, supporting the children of Satan the Devil.

    If you were to appear in the judgment, would you like to explain yourself?

    Repent now, gain your freedom and avoid the rush.


  9. Who could forget DING!

    I made a pilgrimage on a recent Sabbath to Restored COG’s new HQ… An impressive building- the place was Packed.;)


  10. And the all expense luxury vacations continue! Just returned from mine and paid my own way.
    I need a P.O. Box in Cincinnati, Ohio. Laura should be in Club Fed also. PIGS!!!


  11. This is what happens when a bunch of old, emotionally underdeveloped whit men speak on behalf of God.

    Malm is as of today – AUGUST 10, 2013 – STILL going off on BIG BAND MUSIC being played at COG Feasts for entertainment! The Big Band Era essentially faded during/after WWII, so by 1949 bebop was on the rise. This mewling, confused senior is going after music created nearly SEVENTY years ago!! Idiot. Please, NOONE play him any gangster rap…he will defecate in his pants with fear and die on the spot!!



  12. Didn’t Ron and Laura pay a personal visit to the BMW manufacturing plant in Germany? And while there they were given a guided tour of the plant and watched the vehicle they would be purchasing come off the assembly line. And the vehicle they purchased was far above the base model as per their conversation they had with Anne and Christian’s family from Australia or New Zealand.

    Didn’t the Weinland’s then have their newly purchased BMW shipped from Germany back to the states? And this of course is in addition to the BMW Ron and Laura purchased in the states and had shipped to Jeremy in Germany.

    Perhaps I’m mistaken but I could have sworn I read about this during the time the trial details were being made public.


  13. And believe me, I am a middle aged white man who is not racist AT ALL…and even I am getting tired of old, scared white men trying to save their country from itself by reversing all progress made since the turn of the twentieth century. These useless pieces of crap are so scared of change they are still going on about all the “crazy negro rhythms” in jazz, still looking for “Communism” in our bookstores and movie theatres, are terrified of people like me who don’t speak to a magical man in space like you are “supposed to,” and think that the gay couple living down the street somehow destroy their own hereto marriage by signing a piece of legal paper!

    White paranoia + the Old Testament = COG theology. A special brand of insane stupidity courtesy of selfish, old narcissists who never grew up…


  14. The very fact they SHIPPED a BMW TO germany shows what stupid pieces of crap they are. How f***-ing special does a BMW have to be? The ‘stock’ models are still expensive and in the luxury category. It is not like they bought a Honda Civic and wanted to add rainbow coloured spoilers and a Nitrous bottle!

    Buying a BMW? Privilege.

    Buying a BMW and shipping it ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) to Germany as a present for your son, UNBEKNOWNST to your church, using CHURCH tithes meant for second tithe assistance and spreading COG theology?

    Welcome to the Lake of Fire, Weinlands…you worthless toilet-dwelling maggots…


  15. And just this week Ron announced via Harrell that 2nd tithe was either limited or will not be distributed to some! Hey, Ron? How much are your BMWs, PLURAL, worth? And why were they purchased with TITHES? Here is an idea: sell your BMWs and send everyone to the Feast. isn’t that WHAT GOD WANTS? Everyone at his most holy Feasts? I spit in you AND your god’s face…

    Euer Gott ist ein Toilette und wertlos…


  16. Yes, and my understanding is that BMWs don’t have such a good repair record.


    If you have millions to squander, why should you worry about how much vehicle maintenance will cost?

    PKG = Giant Cash Machine.

    Maybe we should rename PKG to GCM, but there are so many GCM-CoGs around distinguishing them apart would be a real challenge.

    And Avalokiteshvara, if you really want repressed paranoia, you should look at Prove All Things magazine from the Church of God in Truth headed by James Russell: The misprints alone in their little magazine are worth it (the best one was when Herbert Armstrong was called “The Pasture General” — watch where you step!) — there’s a really good one every issue! But oh, my! Communists everywhere; feeding the animals in the national parks is like giving people food stamps and assistance, since they become dependent on them (don’t feed the bears… actually, don’t feed the wolves… in sheep’s clothing). According to them, Barak Obama is a narcissistic socialist (and they don’t mind letting you know). Everything you mentioned is embedded and even so much more… every issue!

    Of course, you could preserve your sanity and NOT read it.

    Your choice.


  17. Avalokiteshvara, attending the Feast is about learning to fear God.

    Perfect love casts out fear.

    Christians are to love God.

    Therefore (here it comes, wait for it!), Christians should not attend the Feasts!


  18. Weinland’s sickness is enough…I have daughters to feed, a wife to spoil, and my own little fleet of luxury vehicles to maintain. I am on this damn computer pretty much all day and then all around the house for the rest. Honestly, I don;t know how other married men get bored! My wife and I have been together forever and it takes all day to keep the cars/harley gassed up, washed and running, let alone the house! And with two rambunctious daughters…i have to keep them fed, washed, and running too!

    Yesterday I had to capture and separate them after I saw a raging, swearing ball of hair and fists go rolling by my office door! Exhausting…


  19. That is where being a cat owner is completely enlightening. AFter the lil’ ball of violence were sent to their rooms, a minute later my cat goes strolling past my door, stops, meows contentedly, and starts cleaning herself! That’s the secret to life:

    stay calm and wash your crotch every once in awhile, and life will work out fine…


  20. “That is where being a cat owner is completely enlightening. AFter the lil’ ball of violence were sent to their rooms, a minute later my cat goes strolling past my door, stops, meows contentedly, and starts cleaning herself! That’s the secret to life:

    stay calm and wash your crotch every once in awhile, and life will work out fine…”

    There is much truth in that, Avalo!!!


  21. Avalokiteshvara, that is why the ministers of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong hate you so much: All of them I have known over the decades were basically non voting Republicans and, if they had a “domestic companion”, it was a dog. In fact, the United minister in this area trains dogs and hates cats. He can’t deal with their independence, which is why he wrote in the church bulletin that church members were like dogs that Christ had to train. Woof. Roll over and play dead. Beg! Cats and those who have them as domestic companions are anathema to the highly repressive retentive controlling CoHA Republican Dog Owners.

    So they hate us, never understanding that it takes patience, tolerance and kindness to coexist with a creature whose trust you must gain, rather than one that automatically allows you to dominate and wants nothing more than your acceptance as the leader of the pack.

    ACoG leaders are truly warped, twisted and oppressive narcissistic delusional despots.


  22. There is no less organizable animal than a cat! Mine basically does whatever she wants and never listens to any of my commands. But that is why I love cats so much. They just do what they will and that is their entire point. Cats provide a wonderful kind of quiet, furry chaos to a household.


  23. Jocko,
    Yes, that is the BMW story except I know that it was revealed in court that Ron and Laura also did some type of BMW drivers course training while there in Stuttgart, Germany. It was an all inclusive “church money” vacation. How asinine is it to purchase THREE new BMW’s at the BMW Store in Cincinnati, Ohio right off of the Stewart Road exit (Foxglove knows where that is) only to fly to Europe to have Ron & Laura’s shipped back here and to have Jeremy’s driven off of the local BMW Store lot here and shipped to Germany? Ass backwards and a piss poor financial decision, but as prosecutor Robert McBride stated in court, “It’s easy to spend other peoples money.” McBride also pointed out that Ron lied on his financial application at the dealership and did other shady things in regards to the purchases. There was a finance manager witness from the dealership that testified. GUILTY!!

    Yes, it was shown and proven that PKG-COG “church money” paid for the airfare, hotels, food, entertainment, BMW shipping, BMW factory tour with drivers training, and ALL THREE brand new WEINLAND BMW’S. Ron & Laura’s is a black 5 series (like his “black heart & evil mind”), Jeremy received a manual shift 335ci because he is younger and driving a standard shift is more exciting (as mentioned in court), and Audra also has a 3 series XI which is all wheel drive. None of these vehicles are remotely close to being base models. All three are very expensive cars. I am familiar with Beemers as I have had BMW motorcycles and my last car was a 740i. BMW’s are not cheap to buy, own, nor maintain. Great rides, especially if church members buy them for you!

    The Weinland Luxury Fund (compliments of PKG TITHES!) shelled out well over $100K for these three cars. Probably more like $140K not including the factory tour/training, shipping, nor the all inclusive “church trip” to fly to Europe to take delivery of the said 5 series Ron & Laura roll around in here in Northern Kentucky and sending Jeremy’s over to Germany. I have seen the car and taken pictures of it (forwarded to Mike). Bumped into Audra and Chris at a local Bruester’s Ice Cream shop on a Saturday afternoon.

    Foxglove, you have nothing to fear with these idiots. Let me know via Mike if you do experience any issues and I will get you in touch with the right people. Mike and others know who I am and I do prefer to stay as Bags not out of fear whatsoever, but more as a cover to operate for info and put the Weinlands out of business. When I saw Audra and Chris at the ice cream shop I was with my wife & daughter so I was unable to embarrass them. I would have ZERO trouble telling them what I think about their SCAM loudly in public. I looked right at them and they had no idea who I was. I stood in line with them for at least 5-10 minutes. They were with several other “church members.” I think two other younger couples and a single person or two. No idea who they were, but they were affiliated with the Weinland CULT.

    I would love for a few of these goons to harass or threaten me. I would have a field day on their sorry asses! As I have stated before. I would pay money to knock that haughty smirk off of Ron’s lying pie hole. What a PIECE OF GARBAGE! Randy is correct. Laura is no better. PIGS! SCUMBAGS!

    I feel all of you ex-PKG’ers should band together and go after Ron, Laura, Jeremy, Audra and the rest with a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT here locally. I would go after ALL of your money you all were SCAMMED out of. Weren’t you given receipts for tax purposes from Ron? The banks make copies of checks deposited into said accounts. You could manage this through one attorney and a local ex-PKG representative. This has NOTHING to do with religion. It is merely theft by deception. This would be VERY EASY to prove and believe me there would no sympathy for the Weinlands. You were lied to and money was taken from all of you in the process. Ron’s trial more than proved the money was not used for “church” but his OWN PERSONAL GAIN. Besides Ron did not deliver the goods he promised (verbal contract) and the world is still here. RONALD WEINLAND IS A CON-ARTIST. NOT A MAN OF GOD.


  24. Bag, Thanks for confirming the fact that there was round trip shipping of two BMW’s between the USA and Germany. I don’t know why but when ever the subject of shipping a BMW overseas comes up it’s usually in regards to the vehicle the Weinland’s purchased for jeremy and then had it shipped from the states to Germany. Perhaps Ron forgot that we’re well aware of the fact he too had a BMW shipped from Germany to the states for his own personal use.

    Ron probably used it for himself, Laura and a few cohorts to commute back and fourth to court during his criminal tax evasion trial. But the vehicle is now strictly used for weekly federal prison runs to pick up new BS from Ron-Sorry, I meant to say new truth, please forgive me. The faithful need their weekly influx of truth to read and listen to each Saturday. But’s that’s only if they can stay awake for two hours while listening to sermons from the likes of Hillbilly Harrell or Wonka Wayne, And from what I indestand, this is no easy task. I hear Terry’s now out of the mix because none of his sermons could keep listeners awake for more than five minutes.

    And while we’re on the BMW page let’s not forget Audra’s daily BMW runs to the Cincinnati P.O.Box to pick up tithes for insurance, maintenance fees and gas money to assure all three vehicles are operating in good mechanical order. And last but not least some times there’s enough extra cash left for Audra to enjoy a frozen treat over at that Kentucky ice cream parlor she and her X used to be so fond of. Wonder who she’s sharing her ice cream with these days?

    So there we have it. The saga of the three Weinland BMW automobiles. And Bags, while visiting overseas several years ago Ron and Laura were admiring one of their followers used BMW’s. Her name was Anne and Ron and Laura assured her that their BMW were just the base model because how in the world could a person afford a luxury BMW model on the meager salary of a pkg pastor?.


  25. Well with a PKG pastor’s salary in the sum of $4.5 million Ron and the Weinland Clan can afford upper end BMW models which they did and MANY other personal luxuries. The jury saw a lot of it and proof as to how it was paid for. TITHE MONEY! It was beyond ridiculous! The Weinlands live like rock stars at the expense of the followers and their money.
    Basically, Ron has hardly any legit “church expenses” and MOST OF the MONEY becomes Ron and Laura’s PERSONAL INCOME. What a scam!! What pieces of sh!t. It was upsetting to see how these predators take advantage of people and con them out of money. Ron and Laura do NOT CARE ABOUT THE FOLLOWERS NOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE FREE CASH INCOME! PERIOD! There is a truth.


  26. 3 BMWs…and driver’s training.

    I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR HOW THE PKG EXPLAIN THIS IS THE ACTIVITY OF GOD’S END TIME PROPHET…who has been 100% incorrect about prophecy and is in jail for fraud…


  27. The only brain damage Terry has is from what Ron has beaten into his head but that can be healed if he would just leave. His wife would probably would get better also.

    Didn’t they also say Ralph Dowd had brain damage also.


  28. If they left that means one evangelist and 2 more senior elders. Keep those posts a coming they are showing what Ron really is.


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