Family Coming Out of Bondage Pt 6

————— False Prophet Ronald Weinland’s  weekly exercise of #2 pencils ————-

Adam and Eve: All Mankind
The story of Adam and Eve is the history of mankind. They polluted and distorted their mind (their reasoning and ability to think right) once they sinned, and all mankind has followed suit by choosing for themselves to decide the way they want to live, rather than looking to God for the one true way of life.

Although sin infects all human reasoning, it is manifested most in the thinking (thought) and actions concerning gender and matters relating to the subject of sex. There is a powerful pull or motivation toward such thinking that is bolstered by male and female hormones that directly affect the mind and the thinking of both. That thinking (as with all thinking and reasoning) is selfish, distorted, and unsound. Yet it is this area of human thought that affects human relationships more than any other single thing.

God created these hormones to exist in both males and females to give a specific identity to two different mindsets that produce a way that reflects masculinity in males and that which is feminine in females. These conditions in turn have a great impact on interaction and relationships between both sexes and even within the same gender. The affect of such hormones at work in the human body, and especially within the mind, also result in a kind of “power” that each sex is to learn to exercise properly. When this power that God has created to exist in the mind is used correctly it will produce great blessings and fullness of life. However, mankind has not been reaping those great blessings and fullness in life, but rather has misused this “power” in disobedience to fuel selfishness, lust, and pride. As a result, mankind has been reaping curses, sorrow, and bondage in life.

There are great and mighty lessons to be learned from all this. Satan misused the great power God gave to him, and mankind has also misused the powers God has granted to him. This is highly evident in this age of great technology. In the Millennium, technology will be used for the good, and great blessings will be reaped.

Men and women must learn the importance of obedience and unity to God’s true ways of life because God’s plan is to give His Family awesome power. Our mind has to become transformed to one of “faithfulness” in all power that God grants us. We are to seek to learn to control the thinking and power that God has given us so that it comes into full unity and agreement with how God instructs it to be used – in His “way of living” life. His way of living – His laws – are all about relationships. It is in this story of Adam and Eve that we can begin to see the importance of learning to think in unity with God’s ways by always rejecting “our ways,” even in one of the greatest pulls and powers that is exerted upon the human mind through sexual influences involving the differences in masculinity and femininity.

When God created Adam and Eve, He began teaching them about life, family, and relationships. They were created in full adult life and because of how God had created mankind, they were automatically drawn to each other. It was simply natural, right, and good. Quite candidly, each “liked what they saw,” as this is how they were created. God taught them about the purpose of the sexual relationship and how children would be born and how mankind would be multiplied, beginning from them.

“So God created man in His image, in the image of God (Elohim) He created him. He created them as male and female. God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.’” (Gen. 1:27-28).

God’s plan included the reproduction and multiplying of mankind. God purposed to teach mankind about proper decorum, conduct, and family structure. This included how they would also wear clothing and the reasons why this would be necessary as children and then families began to grow. Even after Adam and Eve had made a covering for themselves, God later went on to teach them about how to clothe themselves by making them clothing from skins.

However, after they sinned their minds (thinking) began to become unsound and “unnatural” in reasoning as they turned to self-consciousness in a negative manner. They began to think in terms of being ashamed, embarrassed, and uncomfortable before God. Adam and Eve covered themselves, as they did not want to appear before God “naked.” This was the very first evidence and negative experience from sin.

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew (began to feel, developed an awareness and perception) that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together to make themselves coverings to wear” (Gen. 3:7).

They did not want their sexual organs to be seen by God. Even after they had made something to clothe themselves, they carried all this even further by hiding from God. Their mind and “relationship” with God had been made unsound and unnatural.

“Then they heard the voice of the Eternal walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Eternal God amongst the trees of the garden. The Eternal God called unto Adam, and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ And he said, ‘I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, I hid myself’” (Gen. 3:8-10).

The Product of Sin
Sin produces an “unnatural” and unsound mind (from the way God created it to be). This becomes manifest in all human relationships and distorts the thinking of how people see themselves and others, especially in gender and in a sexual context. Such tends to permeate the human mind in a very great way as evidenced in today’s society through advertising, music, clothing styles, movies, other entertainment, etc.

The result of sin is the production of curses. To many, this matter of being cursed seems to be difficult to understand, as people tend to think of curses that are poured out by God in a similar manner as the plagues that were poured out upon Egypt. Although there are occasions where God directly intervenes and does pour out a curse for disobedience and evil being done, this is not what is being spoken of concerning what happened in the Garden of Eden.

God created mankind for the purpose that all will eventually be able to be begotten of His spirit so they can be transformed in the renewing of the mind in order to become Elohim. In the midst of the creation of human life, God has repeatedly revealed His desire – His will – to be able to bless mankind.

“You shall therefore keep the commandments, statutes, and the judgments (of God’s ways) which I command you this day, to do them. Therefore it shall come to pass, if you will listen to these judgments to keep and do them, then the Eternal your God shall keep with you the covenant and the mercy, which He promised unto your fathers. He will love, bless, and multiply you. He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, of your grain, your wine, your oil, and the increase of your cattle and sheep in the land which He promised unto your fathers to give unto you” (Deu. 7:11-13).

As these verses clearly show, the receiving of blessings is inseparably tied to obedience to God’s ways. Blessings are the product of obedience. If there is disobedience to God (sin), then not only will blessings not be produced, but curses will be. So what happened to Adam and Eve? They disobeyed God, and that produced the removal of God’s blessings, help, and favor in their life. It left them on their own, for they had rejected God. They wanted their own way and not God’s, so God gave them “their own way,” which only produces curses.

“He (God) said unto the woman, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception. In sorrow you shall bring forth children, and your desire (longing for) will be for your husband, and he shall rule over you’” (Gen. 3:16).

This curse was the simple result of God’s blessings being removed because obedience to God’s ways is what produces the blessings. Mankind has always chosen “his own ways” and rejected God’s. The results – the products – are curses in life. No other way but God’s can produce “true and lasting” blessings in life.

So the woman was addressed by God and she was told that He would greatly multiply her sorrow and her conception. This is a rather awkward translation and it does not mean that God was going to multiply her pain in conception. This word for conception is just what it means – at the moment the sperm and egg unite. It has to do with becoming pregnant or can even mean the time of pregnancy. It is simply about bringing life into the world. This obviously is not about having the number of conceptions (pregnancies) greatly multiplied either. God is actually revealing that a woman’s sorrows in life, especially in the family, would now be greatly multiplied for rejecting God’s ways that regulate right human relationships – that produce blessings in the family.

Often in scripture, God states a reality and then explains it. This is one of those areas of scripture. For rejecting God’s ways to regulate and govern family life, the mother of the family would now experience far more sorrow in life in working with (teaching, caring for, raising, guiding, correcting, etc.) the life she conceives and brings into the family unit. In all societies, the responsibility has fallen far more upon the mother to carry the vast majority of the workload for bringing up children. By refusing God’s ways, the curse in life would be a highly increased level of sorrow compared to what it could and should be with God and His ways leading the family.

Next is the issue of the wife’s hurt (and obviously, a “mother’s” hurt), struggle, and sorrow in life because of her husband’s spirit and actions toward her. Because both men and women have rejected God’s rule, guidance, and instruction in how to live toward one another, the family has suffered mightily, starting first and foremost with the wife.

The statement of the wife’s desire or “longing for” her husband reveals a lack of fulfillment in the marriage relationship, and in particular, of not receiving the support, recognition, love, affection, and “sharing together” that she actually desires deep down inside. There are three areas of life that are the most prominent in all this.

Family and the Husband
The first area of prominence that has produced such a negative and damaging toll upon the strength, stability, joys, and fullness of what family life should be is because of the curse God said would be upon man.

“Unto Adam He (God) said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you by saying, You shall not eat of it, the ground is cursed for your sake. In sorrow you shall eat of it all the days of your life. It shall bring forth thorns and weeds as you seek to eat of the produce of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat your bread until you return unto the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are, and unto dust you shall return’” (Gen. 3:17-19).

How has this affected the husband and wife relationship and that of the family? You should easily be able to fill in the pieces. The husband (and father) through the centuries, as well as with the wife and children, have had to work much harder in life, as God’s care, direct provision, and abundance of blessings was removed. Such hard labor has taken away from precious time that a husband and wife could otherwise have together in order to share more of life (sharing more time) in building their relationship with the experience of greater joys such a life has to offer. Instead, time-consuming, demanding work, work related stresses, and other work related frustrations, problems, hardships, struggles, etc., have carried a heavy toll on family life.

Such frustrations, and how they effect the conditions in the home don’t even need to be elaborated upon. Just look at your life and the life others you know well with their struggles in life, and these matters of cause and effect become even more self-evident.

So one of the primary reasons for a wife’s desire being toward (a longing toward/for) her husband being fulfilled is because of the curse that came upon man to be the primary provider for his family. His workload and toil in fulfilling this role has taken much needed “time” away from family and marital life. The stresses, struggles, and toils of work have led men to shift their responsibilities for family away from themselves and have placed them upon the wife. As men have turned more inward, selfish, and impatient in life, the wife (and generally the children) grow more empty, feeling less loved and appreciated. It’s like the song “Cats in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin. Look up the words of that song and read them, or even look for the song and listen to it, as it is quite meaningful and true to life. It is because of this that a family so often grows more distant from each other and members of a family often develop emotional and psychological scars.

In today’s society, this matter has often become much worse as a wife (and mother) is to carry out the greatest part of the role of rearing and caring for the children. She often holds down her own job in order to “help” make ends meet. She tends to the cleaning and care of the house, clothing, shopping for groceries, and then is usually expected to do all the cooking – and much more. Yes, she has a longing for her husband and not that they just have more time that they can spend together, but a longing that he also “help” her with this vast load she carries and is expected to carry. She is not only in bondage; she is more like a slave than a wife.

“And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to (Heb. – along side, with, before, beside, next to) him’” (Gen. 2:18).

God created the woman to be a help “along side” her husband, but the husband was also to be a reflection of the same – a help “along side” his wife. This goes together as a team who works together – along side one another in life. Look at how far society has strayed from God’s purpose and design in a husband and wife “team.” Those who do not grasp such a purpose and concept of “team work together” and working, planning, and fully sharing life in all things – side by side – rob themselves, their marriage, and their family of blessings, happiness, love, and of a far greater fullness in life.

(The next post will be part.7)

31 thoughts on “Family Coming Out of Bondage Pt 6

  1. I just talk to a good source there is nothing wrong with terry w. his mind is as good as ever and he works for a big gas and electric company in Michigan come on Laura you are a rotten lying bitch you will rott in hell !!!!!!!!!


  2. Laura why do you what to reack people’s life and lie about them every time someone leaves your cult you make up a lie Ralph Dowd was not sick, terry W is not sick quite spinning your B.S to save your own ass you are ruining people’s creditably bitch these people make an honest living not a fu##ing crook like Uganda your family bitch.
    Ron’s mom left
    Ron’s sister left
    Ron’s brother inlaw left
    April comes left
    Ralph Dowd left
    Terry W left
    Parker W left
    Kirrily left
    Chacha left
    Leftatlast left
    Hell there are a lot of people leaving bitch let the go and be free to believe in no man or his crooked wife, go on Wellfare bitch !!!!
    Sorry guys I hate this bitch!!!!


  3. How sad the story has become… remember back when old wRONg was full of vinager and piss? How he could prophecy about every horrible thing was going to happen to everyone? Hanging on his beliefs like he was the king of the world, and look at the sermans now? How pathetic is this, slow and steady down the drain. Where are all the dramtic statements and horrific forsights now? Remember when wRONg used to be a nut case that was interesting? And some people want to remain and listen to this watered down drivel? Why did they join in the first place, to listen to this? Did I say “listen”? They can’t even do that anymore, only read the dry text.
    Just goes to show ya that you can get so jambed into a lifestyle that it will take a crowbar to pry you out.
    Go figure?


  4. He was he’s own down fall he told the all (PKG) greed will be the down fall of man yes it will asshole it’s yours !!!!!


  5. Like the bible say no man, no angle, nor the son only the father will know! ( give me a brake Ron and Laura know) all Ron and Laura know is how to get tights ! And spend the hell out of them !


  6. My mom also said the bible said we will buy are friends and that’s just what LaurA does, see spent thousand on my mom ! I just go by facts guys if you all what to know what Laura bought just asked me !


  7. You can only tell so many giant lies before you must retreat back to telling small lies so you don’t lose your base followers, the ones you can most consistently steal tithes from. This is the COG way. Always has been, always will be…

    “progressive truth” = continuous lies…


  8. Yep! There is the writing on the wall. Ron is grooming Laura to be the head control freak for the PKG while Ron is in Club Fed. (like Laura is not already) He is also prepping for more like Terry to leave. Who can spew Ron’s lies if Wanye and Hillbilly Harrell decide to leave or are kicked out? Get Steve D. on the podium, Ronnie Boy! I WILL EVEN PAY TO SEE THAT CIRCUS! He was some excellent entertainment as a witness in court. The followers have to be wondering and asking themselves questions by now. Laura better go get a crash course on public speaking. Gossip and sh!t talk do not count.

    Ron and Laura are a “TEAM” alright! A “TEAM” of con-artist, lying, THIEVES! PIGS, LOW LIFE PIGS! Go ahead while you are at it wRONg and blame Adam & Eve for ALL of YOUR CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR! Is that where you are going with this #2 pencil voodoo bit? Terry and others need to speak up and speak out about Ron the Con.

    THREE MORE YEARS!!!! FOR RON the CON! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ENJOY EVERY MINUTE RON! TICK TOCK. You desperate yet? Did you get your 2009 – 2012 taxes filed and paid yet? How’s the coffee? Have you and Bubba had any love spats yet?


  9. What’s that, Ron? Bubba traded you off to Tattoo Leroy for a pack of smokes and a bag of chips. That is fair because that is about all Ron is worth.


  10. Martin: as many parts as it takes to Pavlovian-train the PKG to instantly believe whatever Laura now says. They have been conditioned for “Ron = 100% correct no matter what,” now they need to be conditioned with “Laura is a prophet no matter what,” “Laura’s coming false prophecy is true prophecy,” and all the other messages that need to be burned in their minds.

    Ron calls a man being a primary earner a curse…the words of a coward who uses TITHES to buy THREE BMWs then yells at the unemployed PKG members for not tithing!


  11. Ron says: “The result of sin is the production of curses. To many, this matter of being cursed seems to be difficult to understand, as people tend to think of curses that are poured out by God in a similar manner as the plagues that were poured out upon Egypt. Although there are occasions where God directly intervenes and does pour out a curse for disobedience and evil being done…”

    I see. You mean like the DEATH CURSE you put on us? The “die speedily form the inside” curse FIVE years ago that completely failed, thus proving you were a false Witness and a false prophet? If the “result of sin is the production of curses,” then you have SINNED for having cursed us…and if we are the ones who have supposedly produced the curses through our “sins” then we have not sinned by calling you a false prophet…because the curses never happened!

    Once again, Ronald Weinland fails Theology 101, and especially, fails to keep hidden his theft and lies…


  12. This is all he can talk about. If you notice he does not bring up christ returning or the 3 1/2 years of tribulation and the death of the ministry. Also what about the 2 witness that haven’t come on the scene yet. So he has to have something to say each week and this is what they are getting.

    Terry hope things are going better for you now.


  13. Does anybody know what Terry did?

    Was the leaving Terry’s decision or was he put out? (I realize a family matter was a motivating force)


  14. It’s gotten the point where I can no longer read one of Ron’s posts in it’s entirety from beginning to end.

    It’s just the same old BS recycled over and over again.

    Made it around halfway through his current post but that was more than enough BS for any sane person to handle.


  15. Jocko,
    Awe, come on now. Ron is delivering very special #2 prison pencil “tithe magic” sermons. The word on the street is that Ron is now an Apostle and there’s another newly elected chic ($$ profit $$) sporting fancy panties around in Northern Kentucky. I am so excited to have such greatness in my neck of the woods. Who else can say they live in the same area as God’s main man & PROFIT chic. How exciting!

    You do not need to be sane to be blessed with Ron’s lies and drivel. All that is required is that you keep that Cincinnati, Ohio P.O. Box address handy and remember that you are not worthy of Conswineland’s Apostle greatness and gift of him making you a “chosen one” that is elite enough to donate to The Weinland Luxury Fund. We are not qualified to be “chosen” nor special enough to be swindled out of Ron/God’s P.O. Box tithe money. I know you are upset. My feelings are hurt too. BOTH OF THEM!

    I am really concern about Audra and Laura being so over worked. You know, Driving New BMW’s to pick up their shopping hooker funds. Wow! I bet their feet get very sore running around doing all of that shopping, spending, and dining out. Poor gals never get a home cooked meal, you know. I think all of this grueling work of spending money does in fact justify “deep tissue massages.” I get it now! I must be getting closer to being a “chosen one.” Better get my finances in order and prepare to “donate” my life away so I can be in the special Ron/God money tithing club! YAY!!!

    I am extremely pumped up! Do you think if I hit my head on the brick wall enough to inflict a traumatic brain injury that I would then be qualified and possibly selected for an elders position? Then my bucket list would be complete! YAY!! Do you think Ron/God would get me a “chosen one” name tag or T-shirt for the 16th end of the world that never happened? That would be AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?

    I had better set my crack pipe down now. I am beginning to think like Ron/God. Wait! One more crack rock. I am almost understanding Ron/God’s mental mojo. I get it! I see the light. YAY!!


  16. Better send your money in people. Laura has a new “church position.” She is now officially a $$$$$ PROFIT $$$$$$. I guess Audra and Jeremy are in the running for filling the 2 witness positions now that they are vacant. No nepotism going on here. Mr. Apostle Ron/God says so!

    Be sure to SEND YOUR MONEY. The shopping hookers are in need of new panties, jewelry, and wardrobes. They need new threads and gold plated business cards to look professional in their newly elected positions. You all can not have “church officials” wearing last years trendy fashions. SEND THE CASH SO THE BLING-BLING CAN BLING ON!!! Besides, they have more than likely been eating out a lot and also need to get their numerous expensive large diamond rings resized, again. All that fine dining tends to make these hard working gals gain a few pounds. MONEY GRUBBING PIGS!


  17. The way I see this is that as of Saturday, we will have the two Witnesses! Swineland and Packman!

    Witnesses we can look to be insured that they are false prophets that witness to the stupidity of their followers — their testimony has forever freed us all from believing lunys ever again!


  18. Conald better be losing weight and getting in shape at Club Fed. That will be a tight race between him and Packman. Now if Packman gets on a swift roll that dude can gobble some stuff up! It would be like an Olympic dots and dollars competition. Who can get them quicker? Packman is younger and in better shape, but remember that Swineland has Audra and Laura driving stakes behind his ass to get that cash and get it quickly. No exceptions! Could be quite a showing with fierce competiveness! Packman does have some ghoul gals and other figments of the imagination to obstruct him too. Packman’s are real (I have seen them) while Ron’s seem to be self contained in his head.

    Ron is also under a lot of stress. He has to fill the shoes of Ron/God, Apostle Ron, one of the two witnesses, “church leader”Ron, tax advisor for the PKG Ron, husband “team” Ron, manage the PKG scholarship fund Ron, Bubba & Tattoo Leroy’s prison wife Ron, #2 prison pencil jockey Ron, prison roofing crew leader Ron, Jihad Ron, False Prophet Ron just to mention a few! “It’s a bird!” “It’s a plane!” “It’s Super Ron the Felon Con!”


  19. I never knew one to wear so many imaginary hats! Especially at the same time while on the prison phone with God. Impressive!


  20. I’ll have to make a pilgrimage to Wadsville this Sabbath so that I can get a laugh at Packman since he’s about to get a taste of his own medicine for cracking on the likes of Weinland and Harold Camping…
    Date setting gets them all in the end.

    Here’s some entertainment:


  21. Bags said ” extremely pumped up! Do you think if I hit my head on the brick wall enough to inflict a traumatic brain injury that I would then be qualified and possibly selected for an elders position?

    Bag, I’m afraid the actions you described above won’t cut it in regards to being considered for en elder’s position within pkg.

    But, If you would really like to be considered for an elder’s position all you have to do is write out a check for 10% of your yearly wages before taxes. (Don’t forget to send a copy of of 2012’s W-2 form with your check to prove your honesty) Just mail your check to the Cincinnati P.O.Box and they’ll take it from there.

    You may want to include a short letter with your check declaring your loyalty to pkg and it’s entire membership including all lay members, ministers, elders, associate elders, senior elders, evangelists and of course former witness and current prophetess Laura as well as former witness and current federal convict and false prophet Ron.

    Once Audra picks up the mail and delivers it to the mansion on the golf course she and her mother will begin the daily process of opening envelopes. They’ll count the tithe checks and record the amount of money each member sent in to the church and then compare it against the amount of money each member requesting second tithe assistance sent to the church over the past few years.

    After your check is processed and cleared you will most likely be invited to join your local congregation. If Laura, Audra and the other members in that group like you you’ll be raised to elder and then receive an invitation to attend the feast. If you make a really generous special holy day offering at the feast (preferably cash because it’s untraceable) you may very well be raised to associate elder right there on the grounds of the feast.(providing of course your generous special offering contained enough cash to please both Laura and Audra’s lust for the ole mighty dollar)

    Who knows, afterwards the sky’s the limit, senior elder, minister, even an evangelist title could be bestowed upon you, But once again, this all depends upon the amount or money you write in on the checks you’ll be sending to the Cincinnati P.O.Box. And please remember that cash is always preferred for all special holy day offerings. I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that you’re much younger in age than Ron is so if you play you cards right perhaps one day Ron will retire and pass down the reins of pastor general to you.

    PS-If for some reason things don’t work out for you in pkg you can then go back to plan A and bang your head against a brick wall hard enough to cause visible injuriy but not hard enough to inflict traumatic brain injury. You will then then be disfellowshiped immediately and Laura will spin the story as she tells the membership you left due to brain damage.



    1. Jocko said “……and Laura will spin the story as she tells the membership you left due to brain damage. ”


      Reposted Ron’s blog post from today. Thanks for the heads-up, ExCogger.


  22. LMAO! Ron’s new post is an exercise in doubt and fear.

    1. “We must continue to look ahead and strive to best serve the needs of the Church as if time will continue past Pentecost of 2014 for Christ’s return, yet knowing this could be the actual date. God has directed us to simply continue to focus from Pentecost to Pentecost; therefore, we must be wise, alert and spiritually on guard to the reality that things can accelerate at any moment in time.”

    Where has Ronald Weinland the PROPHET gone? Where are all the TRUE prophecies he said would occur EXACTLY as he said or else he would quit his ministry? His entire ministry was built on his prophecy!

    2. “…We are going to load the Holy Day sermons onto the Church site so that you can download them all in case things in this world should quickly escalate to a level that might prevent travel in order to meet together on those days. Considering where we are in time, we must simply “be prepared” for any possibility. Remember, these sermons have been inspired by God to be used on the specific day that is listed by each sermon. Everyone is being directed to listen to those sermons on those dates and not before….”

    LOL! We don’t want to spend any tithes on ministers or travel, so just listen to these sermons when we say, or else God will be mad! What kind of control freak is Ronald Weinland?

    So much for all that unity and fellowship Ron has been pretending is happening in his false church. Ministers are disappearing, prophecies are slowly disappearing into ‘continuing forward,’ Weinland is in prison for fraud, he is once again trying to scare people with an imaginary WW3….


    How many times must you go through this? How many times do you have to hear that this is the Last feast or that war is on the horizon? You have been led to believe these things on a yearly basis, “just one more year, just one more year, just one more year…trust me, I am God’s Prophet…” How many times will you believe Weinland before you wake up and accept he is a liar? He has DEMANDED you trust him with your tithes and he bought THREE BMWs with them. He DEMANDED you believe him and ALL of his prophecies have failed (which the Bible says is a clear sign of a false prophet). Ronald Weinland is a liar. All his prophecies, a lie. His court case proved he was lying to the government. he lied on his daughter’s marriage certificate, which is a crime in the USA. How many more Feasts, and failed prophecies will it take?

    “ if time will pass past Pentecost 2014″…is that the statement of a PROPHET?
    Did Moses say “we must prepare as if the Red Sea will not part?”
    Did Ezekiel say “we must prepare as if the destruction of Jerusalem will not occur? “


  23. Thank all of you that has welcomed me to share my thoughts. I post on Facebook and receive , sometimes hostile responses. When I point out facts about the leaders of the “Churches Of God”, or at least to their thinking it does not set well. I find it strange that so many will not accept truth. I believe Weinland, Pack, Ron, and others are blinded by pride, power and money. When I mention things that are true it really upsets some. I had one lady when I mentioned Rod and one of his members that killed other members a few years back she really blasted me. She had claimed that out of all the Churches od God, Rod’s was the truest. I had a Post about oneness. I quoted what Christ prayed about. ” I pray Father that they (The Church) become one , as we are”. I ask her why wasn’t all the churches together! I bet Avol would ask the same . It is hard to admit that people are boxed in and blinded to the truth of Scripture. That is if one is going to live the way it says!
    I asked why the hundreds of splits? I suspect she as others would like to “Split” me. Lol. Anyhow the thing that Weinland and others are doing is the same mindset as “Jim Jones” on a perhaps lesser scale. Shortly before Herbert Died they had a seminar in the town I had attended church for a few years. it was shortly after G.T.A. got removed and Jim Jones’s suicides. I ask a few of them “What if Mr. Armstrong dies? They all said and were convinced, he would live until the return of Christ! I then asked, “Would you take poison if Mr. Armstrong told you too. They responded a short reflection, Yes if he told us to because he was God’s apostle! This is a true story. So when we are dealing with the “Armstrong” mindset and the followers mindset it become clearer the deception. But as Myself and you have come to see the truth let us endeavor to help others. If for no other reason to let the leaders feel the hurt they are causing others. Thanks again for allowing me to spout off. I have learned much from you and kind of thought I was alone. Gordon


  24. Gordon, welcome to the blog. 😀

    Jocko, your post about the steps taken toward membership really struck a chord. It made me think of the contrast between what the pkg requires before you can attend with the members, versus all the prerequisites Jesus required. Which was nothing. Everyone was welcome to gather and listen. No one had to meet certain steps to be approved before they could. I can’t find anywhere in the bible where people had to be believers and baptised before they were taught, fed, clothed, or healed.

    Rterlecki, thanks for posting about Terry W. Hoping all is well with him now that it seems he is out of pkg.


  25. LeftAtLast, I was never a member of any church originating through HWA. I’m not very knowledgeable wen it comes to all the splinter groups out there today. My knowledge gained on this subject was mostly gained through the good people right here on Mike’s blog.

    In the past I’ve visited other blogs dedicated to our favorite false prophet but after the colossal failure of May 26th, 2012 most of those other blogs went silent. I’ve also visited various competing COG websites and found them to be very similar in regards to COG theology with the only difference being the leadership.

    As for my post advising Bags on how to become an elder with pkg I took Ron’s lead on this subject. I made it up as I went along.


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